Some React Tools you could need

There are several tools that you can use to develop and debug React applications in the browser. Here are a few common tools that are widely used by developers:

  1. React Developer Tools: This is a browser extension that adds a panel to the browser's developer tools that allows you to inspect the React component tree and view the props and state of each component. You can install the extension for Chrome or Firefox.
  2. Redux DevTools: If you are using Redux to manage your application state, you can use the Redux DevTools extension to view and debug the actions and state changes in your application. You can install the extension for Chrome or Firefox.
  3. React Sight: This is a browser extension that allows you to visualize the component tree of your React application in real-time. You can see how the components are connected and how the state and props are flowing through the application. You can install the extension for Chrome or Firefox.
  4. React Developer Tools for VS Code: This is a Visual Studio Code extension that adds React debugging and IntelliSense support for JSX syntax. It allows you to debug your React components and view the component tree and props directly in the VS Code debugger.
  5. React Performance Devtool: This is a browser extension that allows you to measure the performance of your React components and identify any potential performance issues. You can install the extension for Chrome or Firefox.