10 pitfalls to avoid in git

  1. Not committing frequently enough: It is important to commit your changes frequently so that you have multiple checkpoints that you can revert to if necessary.
  2. Not writing good commit messages: Good commit messages help you and others understand the changes that have been made and why they were made.
  3. Not keeping your branches organized: It is important to keep your branches organized and to delete branches that are no longer needed.
  4. Not merging branches correctly: When merging branches, be sure to use the correct merge strategy (e.g., fast-forward, squash, etc.) to avoid conflicts and unintended changes.
  5. Not reviewing code before merging: It is important to review code before merging to ensure that it is of high quality and does not introduce any issues.
  6. Not pulling the latest changes before pushing: Before pushing your changes, it is important to pull the latest changes from the remote repository to ensure that you are working with the most up-to-date codebase.
  7. Not using a .gitignore file: A .gitignore file is used to specify files and directories that should be ignored by Git. This is helpful for ignoring files that are generated by the build process or are specific to your local environment.
  8. Not using branches for experimentation: It is a good practice to create a new branch for experimental changes or for trying out new ideas. This way, you can easily discard the changes if they do not work out.
  9. Not collaborating effectively: When collaborating with others, it is important to communicate effectively and to coordinate your work to avoid conflicts and duplication of effort.
  10. Not keeping your repository clean: It is important to keep your repository clean by regularly deleting branches that are no longer needed, cleaning up unnecessary files, and organizing your codebase.