Static Methods in Java Interfaces

In Java, a static method is a method that is associated with a class rather than an instance of the class. Static methods can be called without creating an instance of the class, and they can be accessed using the class name rather than an instance of the class.

In Java 8 and later, it is possible to include static methods in interfaces. Static methods in interfaces are similar to default methods, except that they are not intended to be overridden by implementing classes.

Here is an example of a static method in an interface:

interface MyInterface {
    void method1();

    static void method2() {
        // Static method implementation
        System.out.println("method2 called.");

public class Main implements MyInterface {
    public void method1() {
        // Implementation of method1

    public static void main(String[] args) {

In this example, the MyInterface interface has two methods: method1 and method2. method1 is an abstract method that must be implemented by any class that implements the MyInterface interface. method2 is a static method with a default implementation that prints a message to the console.

The Main class implements the MyInterface interface and provides an implementation for the method1 method. The main method of the Main class calls the method2 static method of the MyInterface interface. Because method2 is a static method, it can be called using the class name MyInterface rather than an instance of the MyInterface interface. When method2 is called, the default implementation of the method is executed and the message "method2 called." is printed to the console.